New Gens for G9 - Iray stuck on Iray Scene Update 0%

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  • #1929495
    Rank: Rank 3

    Super weird bug, I got a scene where regardless of what I enable/disable, my Iray just won't render as it's stuck on updating section objects.

    Any ideas?

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    Edit: issue is due to New Gens for G9 - see my reply.
    Also tested that the issue does not affect all characters, only some of them, so it's really weird.

    Rank: Rank 3

    I figured out what the asset causing the issue it's the new gens for G9. I think they are on the site at this link

    Mixed this with Shayla and I got the endless loop. Not sure if it's a problem with her maps specifically or not.

    Edit: it does not affect all G9 character maps, just this one so far.

    Rank: Rank 5

    It might be worth looking at the Log File to see if there's an indication of the problem. I've abandoned G9 but the NGF gens worked OK for me.

    Rank: Rank 3

    I actually did, I think they are harmless errors, nothing to cause the hangup.
    These cycle in my log all the time. If you know any fixes for them let me know lol.

    [WARNING] :: src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(369): Iray [ERROR] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug error: Library E:\daz3d\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\libs\iray\swresample-3.dll: symbol "mi_plugin_factory" not found.
     [WARNING] :: 3DConnexion Plug-in Error: Could not create Device, CoCreateInstance failed
    [INFO] :: 	GL_KHR_no_error : NOT INITIALIZED
    [INFO] :: 	WGL_ARB_create_context_no_error
    [WARNING] :: Error writing author data.
    Rank: Rank-1

    Hi, I am having the same issue with the new gens + G9. Did you come up with a solution for this problem. Thanks.

    Rank: Rank 3

    Yeah I posted an update of this product on the blog meanwhile. In fact there is also a newer release entirely. Did you you use the latest version and still hit this issue?

    For my problem there was no solve, I ended up creating a new G8.1 and give up on the G9 version of Shayla. I didn't retry since I updated the product. Also got my hands on Golden Palace G9 in the meanwhile, which should be a safe alternative.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Hi, thanks for your response.

    I've just received a response from the New Gens developer. Her it is below. I will be trying this solution today.


    This is a problem that often occurs with HD characters. It is usually caused by the number of polygons that need to be rendered in the scene exceeds the upper limit of the system can handle. This upper limit is usually determined by the amount of video memory on your graphics card. When the number of polygons that need to be processed exceeds the upper limit, the rendering process will "freeze".

    So the idea to resolve this problem is to optimize the scene and try to reduce the number of polygons that need to be rendered.
    I'm assuming your scene only has your character and NG9. Then we can make changes from the following two places:
    1. Render SubD Level of the character.
    Select the character in the scene, double-click the name of the character in the Parameters pane, select "General > Mesh Resolution", and find "Render SubD Level (Minimum)" in the parameter list on the right.
    2. SubD Displacement Level of NG9.
    Select NG9 in the scene, then go to the Surfaces pane, and select "Genitalia" under New Genitalia for Genesis 9. "SubD Displacement Level" can be found in the parameter list on the right.

    Whenever the rendering is "frozen" (you don't need to wait for hours, just forcibly end the rendering when you wait for a few minutes and find that the rendering window is not updated), we can change the values of the above parameters, assign them smaller values and then render again. We need to keep trying to find the best combination that will ensure that the render will go smoothly while maintaining the quality of the final render.

    Rank: Rank 3

    I doubt that's the issue. I had only the G9, and I run a 4090 with 24GB of VRAM. The whole thing was maybe 2 mil polygons, a joke.

    Rank: Rank-1

    "1. Render SubD Level of the character.
    Select the character in the scene, double-click the name of the character in the Parameters pane, select "General > Mesh Resolution", and find "Render SubD Level (Minimum)" in the parameter list on the right."

    Works for me. I had the same problem. Render blocked at the start on G9 + NG G9.

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