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  • #2098112
    Rank: Rank 7

    Oh, I’ll be crying and missing you terribly.

    Rank: Rank 3

    "I believe that this is a content-sharing site, first and foremost! Why should I share assets that I purchase with my hard-earned money with people who haven’t contributed a single cent? Why should I share with people who ignore my request to “Keep this content ONLY FOR YOURSELF” and not share it with anyone else? If you can’t afford your hobby, then maybe it’s not the right hobby for you. Or find 5-10 bucks a month to fulfill 1-2 requests."

    I fully understand your provided list of personal comments on what is happening.
    Maybe we should start a new topic related to the new changes and stop complaining and start to come up with new idea`s
    Maybe we can thinktank new ways for the point system, Requests, points - amounts and posts, and make it more fail proof or something. Dev`s can get some new insights for the future rules for ZoneFX.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Though I do miss the paypal option. I agree with the changes. I don't post much of what I create. I use Daz as a time killer.
    I hope you all have a great weekend.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm not sure what part of my post suggested emotional outrage? You seem to be very sensitive to any criticism of the policy (judging by your posts). It is fine to disagree (unless it is with you I suppose). I think you are missing the point. Naturally the majority of us appreciate the hard work and sharing that people like you contribute or we wouldn't be here in the first place. I have no money or else I wouldn't be here trying to find stuff, the same probably with the majority of members most likely. Members are simply posting their opinions and concerns over a last minute policy change. No one is attacking you personally. We can justify it as "Sharing" etc., but legally we all know what it really is, so let us not pretend. I'm not sure that it is helpful to implement personal attacks on other members though. I was simply stating the fact that the site visit incentive was creating traffic in a brilliant way. Remember who the audience is here, the majority are not super contributors such as yourself. If it was not for contributors such as yourself, the site would not exist and us lower members are grateful for your hard work and sharing. But if it was not for other lower members, it would also have a fraction of membership. If that is your goal, making this a contributor/payer only site, then your comments are understandable and you are helping by flushing out those lower members hand over fist, so your tactic is working. Not sure if that is the way ZoneGFX wishes it to be though. If it is, you are doing another great service by helping weed out the "useless" like me. If that is not the goal of ZoneGFX, then your personal attacks/comments are not really helping their argument.

    Rank: Rank 7

    If you read this thread from the beginning, you’ll find plenty of described ways to earn points without investing real money. You can put in your time and earn thousands of points. My comments are aimed at people who DON’T want to invest either effort or money but expect to get everything for free. I’m also talking about those who steal within our own community. This topic has been discussed regularly in the community for the last three years.

    It’s precisely this ongoing conflict that drives many contributors to move to closed exchange communities.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    Maddy for President (how about Secretary of the Treasury!!!)
    In sync

    Rank: Rank 5

    "Maddy for President" I second her nomination.
    Before going to bed I shared a crappy item from dead posts, it took 10 mins. This morning I have 600 pts for virtually doing nothing.
    Maddy - "ongoing conflict" yep it seems there is, but there doesn't really need to be as points are easy to come by. The easiest way is to enter an art comp where thousands of points are up for grabs.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    Should we have a going away party for those leaving.
    Balloons,cake, cookies, diet soda
    As Maddy said, there will be tears
    We could, at the very least rent minivans to take them to the other sites,
    where they will be welcomed with open arms.

    For those of us remaining, grief counselors will be available

    When they leave who gets their points from logging in?

    When we are sure they are gone, we can put back the point system.

    Never have so many cried for so few for so little a time

    Memorial service for the departed would be a welcome way to heal

    A monetary collection will be held to establish a fund for all this
    limit $.25 a member or 100 pts (from past logins)

    Rank: Rank Overload

    What kind of cake do you want?

    Rank: Rank Overload

    We need to know how many are leaving, so we can plan.
    So if you are going to say the hell with it, I'm out
    of here, let us know.
    Caterers are fussy about numbers

    Rank: Rank 5

    I kinda sympathise with you Zaba and those like you. Most of my shares in Free Resources are niche and they're not what most people would want. But you really don't need a ton of points for that. PM me.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Well said (and resaid) @maddy, all of it.
    I feel that the loudest whiners are the least appreciative of what others do for the site, and are those who contribute nothing.

    All you who feel so hard done by the changes are pleased to just delete your account and leave. We have no time for your histrionics.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @maddy @anna1945 @frank22 you all seem too eager to throw out all the people that you consider "leachers that do not contribute anything to the site", but fail to remember WHERE your "so beloved" points come from, you should get used to receive only a minuscule fraction of what you get currently. I don't blame you for not foreseeing how this can affects you because i assume you have personal biases based on bad experiences in the site and now with this changes you feel vindicated, but please sit down and think deeply about those changes, you will find out it's not so pretty as it looks.

    I saw a user on a previous post saying this site has like 70k users, i will make some assumptions with common statistics numbers of human behavior as i don't have access to sites' internal data, but i would bet only less than 10% of users have contributed at least once in their entire account's existence, probably only one third or less of those users have posted new stuff(not a reupload), and i'm pretty sure only less than 1%(probably more like 0.1% IMHO) is a regular contributor.

    So if 90% that never contributed anything leave the site because they can't download anything anymore, that would leave us with less than 7k POSSIBLE active users, add that there is no influx of easy new points every day anymore and the remaining expire over time(which will result in a continuous decrease of total available points globally), now add the 50% tax to the posts to the mix(even more rapid decrease of total available points) and that at any given day only a fraction of those users will visit the site and we will have a dead site soon enough.

    And remember, there is plenty of people that don't contribute products but are active in the forums, i'm sure everybody likes forums where no questions are answered nor conversations are developed.

    Pitchforks are easy to rise and solutions are difficult to come by, so i don't blame anybody, but we all should remember that: "If something works, don't touch it."

    This changes are like a slap to the face to everybody, mainly the free users that depend on the daily points to be able to download stuff, because the people that leech to re-sell the items on other sites have a MONETARY INCENTIVE, so even if you make it more difficult for them, they will find a way, because it's their business, meanwhile all common folks are getting screwed.

    Rank: Rank-1

    1) The big posters don't care much about points. I give most of mine away to art contests and I'm hardly a major poster.

    2) It's easy to check membership ( https://zonegfx.com/members/ ) right now it's about 28K and dropping slightly.

    3) The site won't die, it'll become much more selective. The people screaming the hardest are those who feel entitled to an endless stream of free items and see their gravy train ending.

    4) This isn't welfare or social assistance. The points system was a brilliant idea meant to encourage posting, not leeching. No one owes you anything, least of all free 3D items.

    5) 'Common' folks? *chuckle* That's hilarious.

    Rank: Rank-1

    And of course, I couldn't finish without a great big awwwwwwwwww....

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