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  • #2106723
    Eve Adams
    Rank: Rank 6

    @twr2005 See you in Springtime.

    Paul (Fuzzy3000)
    Rank: Rank 5

    you have no activity showing other than this post; 2 friends; and say you have been here for years [??]

    This may all be perfectly true and a valid reason for not posting.
    If this is all genuine, and DS is one of the few pleasures you have, due to circumstances, check out your PM - and treat yourself to a bunch of items that you are looking for.
    If it is fake - well not a big loss to me anyway.

    Merry Xmas

    Rank: Rank-1

    I don't come here very often, only when I'm looking for something and didn't find it in other places. Since Daz is not a source of income to me, I never buy items, so it's not like I'm really able to share anything back. I suppose this is true for many other users and even while I understand the reasons to apply all those changes, they don't sound very efficient -- unless the idea is to keep people with lots of stuff sharing between them like private club, and kick all the others, what I was clearly informed it wasn't the idea of the site back when I created this account (of course things can change, not complaining). I suppose I'll end up banned soon since I'm a "leech" or "bloodsucker" as some people say.

    Won't be better, if the idea is having some profit/pay site bills, to set a "patreon" or something like this? (I know Patreon won't be happy about a piracy site, but there are other ways of crowdfunding)

    Rank: Rank 4


    The number of people who make a profit from using Daz is way smaller than it would take to keep the ecosystem alive. Nobody is making money off of it, we spend our money on it because it’s our hobby and what we do in our free time. That’s why attitudes like yours tend to be treated dismissively. Having a pc capable of rendering and only using what you can pirate is like buying a brand new car and only driving if someone else is paying for the gas.

    New assets are released every day. People here want those new assets, and someone on the site has to spend their own money in order to buy the items and share them with us here. It’s not unreasonable to ask that people share the load, since, like I said, close to nobody is turning a profit off of their Daz creations.

    Donations to keep the site running is a separate thing entirely and not really much of what is being discussed here.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @Bofadeez If you are so entitled about ‘having a brand new car’ blablabla, why are you here, in a piracy site, to begin with? Go on and buy everything you want and stop PIRACING content like all the rest of us, queen/king of virtue.

    Again: DAZ is not source income, it will never be and I’m not spending a dime on it, not even on the software itself. I don’t allow you to tell me how I spend my money. If the site owners are not okay with the presence of people like me here, I think it’s perfectly okay.

    It’s attitudes like yours’ that make some people irritated and not willing to donate.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Aight dude have a good life. I spend my money on my hobbies, Daz is one. And I *do* buy a lot of the assets I use, and I share the ones I buy that aren't already on here, because I give a shit about the community here.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I only found out about the changes now. I also don't agree with the expiration on points as i am gone for months on end sometimes. But in the end, i share whatever and however i can find whenever possible.

    Rank: Rank 4

    The unwavering sense of entitlement is why I stopped putting my shares on the blog. It's really mindboggling to see people with a handful of posts (or less) that have never shared anything here calling those who do share names. Not all pirates are created equal, cupcakes. That's just a fact of life. You're owed nothing here. Go start your own site if you think there's a multitude of people flocking to spend their own money to buy things and share them with a bunch of ungrateful strangers on the internet.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Do what you have to do I will still be here daily no matter what! To those that won't well that's your loss go to the sites that data mine and make you have to pay to get things have fun I won't miss you. To those that report to a site that will close accounts keep it up I have accounts closed all the time and it makes me sad when it happens. Having ten terabytes closed in one account I will just up it again.

    I use to make money off this content selling art work. I had a medical issue a TIA that has forced me to curtail my work but I still buy and share.

    I will still be here as there are friends that have been made and that's what this is all about
    to me. Make ZGFX better with the changes and hope it cuts out all the people that are here just to take and not give in return.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Ik ben nieuw hier en begrijp nog niet zo goed hoe alles werkt. Voorlopig krijg ik 50 punten per dag voor het inloggen en verder heb ik er geen idee van hoe ik punten kan krijgen of ik moet ervoor betalen. Voor de rest begrijp ik dat hele blogsysteen en verzoekensysteem niet. Ik kan voor 50 punten 1 ding downloaden om te gebruiken en dat telt voor mij. Met 50 punten per dag kom ik niet ver maar het is meer dan ik vorige week had. Nu kan ik eindelijk leuke dingen gaan maken in Daz. Dus hartelijk bedankt.

    Paul (Fuzzy3000)
    Rank: Rank 5


    Long may you visit and continue to enjoy... 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1


    Every log in you get 50 points. Thats 1 free item a day.

    You can post something not already on the sight and earn points from that.

    You can go to the request section and fill a request to earn a good deal of points in most cases.

    You can request an item you want in the request section but its more expensive at 500+ points but you can "usually" get an item you really want that isnt posted.

    Any questions feel free to ask but I had to use translate to understand you. I also would not use a personal picture as my avatar if that is actually you.

    Rank: Rank-1


    And yet here we are downloading others items for free that they paid for. Do we feel we are entitled to get free stuff without sharing? Am I any worse than someone who buys and doesnt share vs someone who doesnt buy and doesnt share?

    If I were starving and had no food to share with a starving neighbor would I be a worse person than one who had a farm full of food but withheld it while I watched others starve?

    Now dont take it as me judging you because I deleted several of my posts because a mod pissed me off but I find all the threads that pop up every year to be pretty much the same shyt different year and they rarely have an impact on anything other than sparking a conversation.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Hey @d0gg0d, big fan. I get that your a purist when it comes to sharing. I am not. I do what I do because it works for me. Your starving person analogy misses the mark, but I'll try and go with it.

    People need food to survive. No one needs 3D assets to survive. I'm very comfortable with what I give to those less fortunate then I irl. But here, this is all online noise dealing with things that don't really matter for points that I don't use. You got pissed and took your shares down. I got burned by a couple of a-holes and stopped putting stuff on the blog. We all have our stories.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Its not a perfect analogy but the general idea is what I was trying to get across. You could get silly and suggest some people might need 3D assets to create content so they can make money to buy food. Both of us seem to have let a few people affect us negatively.

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