I need a Custom Character 1990's Power Rangers

Home Page Forums General Chat I need a Custom Character 1990's Power Rangers

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  • #2090993
    Dylan Wiley
    Rank: Rank-1

    Hello I recently am looking to create the classic 1990's power rangers the ones who were in the Crossover to the TMNT Live action movie I grew up a fan of the movies since I was born in 95. anyways I guess what I need is help finding daz characters who resemple the actors and hair for them to go with it. I don't need any outfits since I'm using clothing I have already if anyone can help me out I need basically the look alikes for the black ranger, red ranger, pink ranger, yellow ranger, green ranger, blue ranger and white ranger for now if anyone can help that'd be great? I'll pay a few points to anyone who can help

    Rank: Rank 5

    Can't help, but someone might have a suggestion. There seems to be multiple versions of the rangers and their actors.


    Dylan Wiley
    Rank: Rank-1

    the second one is what i'm after

    Rank: Rank-1

    Need to me implies you're possibly doing something like a comic on a deadline, a commission for money or to save your life.

    Want to me implies you're doing it for personal gratification.

    I guess you could both need and want it if you're satisfing some type of mental imbalance.

    That pointless rant out of the way have you looked on Deviant Art? There may be some morph only people there but I've not been there in awhile.

    Dylan Wiley
    Rank: Rank-1

    Adam no need to be rude I'm just wanting to make them for a project. and I looked on deviant there are no such morphs for the characters just outfits

    Rank: Rank 5


    Dylan Wiley
    Rank: Rank-1

    Frank21 lol too funny

    Rank: Rank 3

    @d0gg0d, you will never be appreciated by the newbies. We must all follow the path ethiopia has set.

    Rank: Rank-1

    If you think thats rude you must be new to the internet.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @d0gg0d, nice to have you in the club.
    For my next trick I'm gonna start jumping all over posts with crappy spelling and grammar. I'm hoping that the mods will deduct points from folks who can't spell. Watch out @bigspider95, I'm coming for you!

    Dylan Wiley
    Rank: Rank-1

    @ethiopia why you going after me I didn't do anything? people seriously stop harrassing me all I did was ask for some help with finding hair that matches the actors to the 1990's power rangers and look a likes I didn't ask anyone to to go all out and make them from scratch in fact how bout this i'll just stop coming on here not sure why others always want to hurt me for asking for help sorry I'm such a bad awful person for requesting help and ofering my points i earned on her serves me right for being too soft hearted i'm going to go sorry for cause this site so much trouble have a wonderful day enjoy your selves i'm not coming back here anymore i'm tired of being hurt buy rude people who just want to troll me on here except for @frank21 and @ulysses thank you so much for trying to help me sorry for the trouble I caused you

    Rank: Rank-1

    Ooooooo techy techy.
    By by.

    Rank: Rank 4

    People can be rude here. Just ignore them and they will eventually start posting stuff about movie/tv shows from another era

    For the hair:
    Blue ranger: https://zonegfx.com/tousled-hair-for-genesis-3-and-8/
    Red ranger: https://zonegfx.com/diego-8-pro-bundle/ (carlos hair)
    Black ranger: https://zonegfx.com/repost-leroy-8-pro-bundle/ (theo hair)
    Yellow ranger: https://zonegfx.com/dforce-nirv-straight-long-hair-for-genesis-8-and-genesis-8-1-females/
    Pink ranger: https://zonegfx.com/dforce-kay-hair-for-genesis-3-and-8-females/

    There may be better matches out there, just went trough what I had installed

    Rank: Rank-1

    The last powerrangers movie i watched sucked so hard it could suck chrome off a trailer hitch.

    Rank: Rank 3


    People can be rude here. Just ignore them and they will eventually start posting stuff about movie/tv shows from another era

    .. no.. people are NOT rude here.. its just a small harmless hazing.. ( .. and some of them doing it are from the last century 😉 .. but don't tell them that.. )

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