How to use G8 Tattoos on G9? :(

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  • #2090775
    Rank: Rank-1

    Im somekind of new but i cant wrap my Head around how to use some of the NSFW Tattoos from G8 for G9 :< Most of the time they even not load onto the Char (or it feels like it) and the other time theres an "loading" Animation, but the stay invisible 🙁

    Does someone knows a fix for this? Because the ones for G8 you can get here are sometime really nice and detailed :S
    I really hope that theres an Way to use them...

    Thanks in Advance for an tips! : )

    Rank: Rank 3

    I used to make them myself, I took a skin that I liked used Photoshop, and pasted the Tattoo`s on it, tweaked images, saved the images and put them on the Character in the Shader TAB where they belong on each part of the body and created the render.

    Its another way of being original, and you learn something not everybody is doing.

    But many are to lazy and want easy results not good results or original results.
    But that`s up to you..

    Take a look:

    Rank: Rank-1

    Ive found that decals work good. Especially when crossing over a seam like the back. Id pose first then add them.

    The issue with tats is a lot of them ive found dont blend with the skin. You need to drop the transparency a little.

    Ive added a few in PS and that works. Also tried geoshells and that works.

    Decals are a bit more forgiving because you can move them around easily and resize easily. Not sure how well they work in animation. Would need to parent it.

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