Help with reallusion pack

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  • #1865502
    Rank: Rank-1

    Hello, I downloaded a reallusion pack, after downloading it I can't use it, does anyone know how to make a daz model dance with the reallusion pack?

    Rank: Rank-1

    I don't know how to use the web well, sorry...
    I would like to make a contribution but I don't know how to do it. Again I apologize, if I have bought a model for 500 points it is the most I have been able to do.

    Rank: Rank-1

    The question is vaguely worded. Because the solution depends on what you want.... If you make the dance in daza - using the animation of the reallusion - then there is one sequence of actions - and if you want to transfer the daza model to the reallusion - then there is another sequence. In any case, both are a complex process - but the description is on YouTube ....

    Rank: Rank-1

    If you're unavailable to grasp using the internet then you're probably not going to be able to do much in Daz and definitely not in programs more complex than Daz.

    As suggested the first step for most questions would be YT. Second would be Google. Third would be here and/or Daz forums. I find here is usually better than Daz forums for most general questions.

    Its relatively easy to contribute. Buy or find something not already here and upload it. If I am capable of doing it then anyone that is not in a special school should be able to do so.

    If it's a language barrier then I'm of no help. Post your language and maybe you'll luck up. If it's an age barrier then you should go watch Disney videos rather than be here.

    If your new to the internet Good Luck. You'll need it.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thank you very much everyone, I will try to improve day by day. I hope you understand, for people who don't understand me, maybe they're not mature enough. If I've never used a forum and I'm just getting started with 3D, I guess it's normal for me to ask. Call me crazy.

    My main language is Spanish, but I'm not looking for help with that.

    Rank: Rank 5

    @kinderpro Necesitas instalar I-clone y un programa puente llamada 3DXChange. (Es necesario el i-clone, ya que por narices te lo pide el 3dxhange..Rollos omerciales...) Este último es el que posibilita pasar los i-motion, o rlmotion a un modelo daz, para pasarlo a formato BVH. (El formato fbx no lo acepta Daz Studio...) Aparte, la diferencia de proporiones de los modelos propios de Reallusion (cc3 o cc4) son distintas, y puedes encontrarte con manos dentro la la barriga, etc...) Si usas Genesis 8, debes corregir los bvh (corrige el ángulo de los brazos.., mierdas de ángulos por tener pose A, no la clásica T) con mi "programita" en

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