Help with Face Morph

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  • #1874634
    Chatur Chor
    Rank: Rank 3

    Short Story:
    The imported face morph causes the thumb to bend in a weird way.

    Long Story:
    So I dialed in a few parameters and exported the figure (at base resolution ) as obj. Started a new scene, loaded a g8 female and used morph loader pro. Dialed in the new morph and all works well till then. The thumbs act normal. Now as soon as I do "rigging to shape" and ERC freeze the thumbs start bending in a strange way. 😮
    Never encountered this before so I wondered what could be the issue?


    Rank: Rank 7

    Unless you are making huge adjustments to the size and shape of the face, jaw or eye location, you may not even need to "adjust rigging to shape" or "ERC freeze".

    Without seeing any images it is hard to help. I can offer a suggestion. If you go to Renderhub...specifically to intheflesh's page, you will find some items that can help with this. Look for the ITF Dev kits. There is one for Genesis 8 male and one for Genesis 8 female. You can use those tools to isolate different parts of the mesh. This can be important when importing morphs, like when you want to make a separate head/body morph from a fully morphed mesh.

    The Attenuate option in Morph Loader Pro will be your friend. In a nutshell, attenuate means to lessen force or effect. That is essentially what this option helps to do. You select what you want affected (either by bones or materials). A 1 in the numerical field will apply the imported morph only to the selected area. A -1 will apply the morph to everything except the selected area.

    By doing things a little differently than expected, you can put together some really nice results. I actually utilize a series of base meshes that have different materials assigned to use in my workflow.

    It was a long day at work so this may come across as a bit scattered...sorry. But if you have any questions, don't be afraid to reach out.

    Chatur Chor
    Rank: Rank 3

    Hey thank you mxyzptlk so much for the detailed response ! I wondered how I can post images but couldn't figure it in the end tried my best to describe the issue.
    I'll be bookmarking this page for the future projects. As for my problem it somehow resolved on it's own. 😮
    I restarted DAZ and loaded in the g8 base figure.. imported my morph using Morph loader ..only this time I saw no deformations while rotating the I went ahead with rigging and ERC steps and saved the morph. It's working as of now.
    Thank you once again.

    EDIT: It happened again. Only with a different and older morph. I wonder why it's happening all of a sudden. Will have to create the morph again. X_X

    Strange thumb bend

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