@mefour ...Normally, it is accompanied with an X-Force keygen, with a serial type 666-6969696969, (etc ..), and install as Trial, or with the "request code", the Key is generated with the X-force patcher .... Now ... the new versions use the Autodesk desktop, so I think, you must install it before. I have Maya 2019 working correctly, along with MotionBuilder, 3DS Max and Mudbox .. (They must all be the same version, not one from 2020 and the others from 2019 ...) Where did you download it from? I don't think it's because of win 7 .... (Although it is possible..Update gpu drivers, etc ..., but I don't think that's why ..). Try before isntall a maya 2018/2019, an d, normally, the license works..