Hair mesh is hidden once imported to Blender

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  • #1918430
    Rank: Rank-1

    Not sure why but after successfully making downloading the hair from Zonegfx and then import it into DAZ, it works fine on my character. Once i import to Blender using Diffeomorphic then the hair is nowhere to be found. Does anybody have a solution to this problem...?

    Rank: Rank 3

    @majinbrad What hair is it? There are various strand-based hairs out there which may not play well with Blender.

    Not an expert myself, but someone here might be 😉

    Richard Y.
    Rank: Rank Overload


    I also wonder what hair you used. As far as I experienced:
    if it's a SBH, you have to generate tesselations before exporting to blender (by using DTB or DDI). In Parameters of the hair, turn on Preview PR Hairs and set Viewport Line Tesselation Sides to at least 2 or above;

    for some of the non-SBH which is 'gone' or low density, suggest you go to Global Settings of DazImporter in blender, choose Geometry Nodes in Shell Method. Then the imported hair should be there and with pretty high quality of mesh.

    Pls give it a try~

    Rank: Rank-1

    So i used the hair "HiDreads G8M" and it works in Daz on my character just fine but once I try to import my character into Blender it doesn't show. I also get this error message, "Some assets were not found. Check that all DAZ root paths have been set up correctly."

    Rank: Rank-1

    “HiDreads G8M”

    Richard Y.
    Rank: Rank Overload

    If so, just make sure you configure the path of your DAZ Library where this hair locates in DAZImporter Global Settings, that'll do. I exported this hair with no problem.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Ok thanks I will try this. It seems we have narrowed the problem down to this last solution. For i am not an expert quite yet so i been researching and studying tutorials on how to properly configure my paths. I am able to get to the DAZImport Global Settings no problem but it seems I am not getting something right. I have all the files just not connected it properly i guess.

    Richard Y.
    Rank: Rank Overload


    The simple way is: Go to the Diffeomorphic scripts folder in DAZ (should be: Your DAZ Lib\Scripts\Diffeomorphic). There's a script named 'Save Paths'. Execute it and it will save a JSON file including all the paths of you DAZ libraries.
    Then in blender DazImporter Global Settings, click 'Load Root Paths' button in the lower-left corner, locate the JSON file, all the paths will be imported~

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