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  • #2064580
    Rank: Rank-1

    So far most Dforce hair Ive tried won't follow a womans curves very well. (Shoulders,boobs,ect) Any recommendations for Dforce hair that youve found works well are welcome.

    Rank: Rank 5

    If we're talking about long dForce hair then Primavera Hair has always worked great for me. It's two layered so you have to remember to prepare for both. Because of it's style it has limited usefulness for realistic renders but it's very well made IMO.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Depending on the effect you're going for (close contouring it sounds like), tweaking the default settings of both the dForce asset and the collision object(s) (skin/clothing) can have some effect. As well as altering some simulation settings from defaults.

    Simulation Settings [EDIT: Try first before messing with default surface settings]
    - Environment: Try increasing gravity and decreasing (or increasing) air resistance.
    - Simulation: Try increasing initialization time. Try increasing Stabilization Time (if simulating current frame not animation).

    dForce Asset (hair) Surfaces tab:
    - Collision Offset: Mess with this first if poke through or inadequate contouring is happening at the geometry level (may have to look at wireframe post-sim)
    - Friction: Try decreasing if hair is hanging up on collision geometry, increasing if falling too, or through, much.
    - Buckling Stiffness, Buckling Ratio, Density (GSM): These have the most effect on hair (in my experience). Because they work in conjunction with each other they can be difficult to dial in, depending on the effect or weight (heaviness) desired. Often starting with changes in Density (GSM) first and fine tuning with the other properties can help, but YMMV.

    dForce Collision Object(s) (model/char/skin):
    - If static (non-dynamic) fewer options available. A dForce static modifier can also be added to anything not already containing one. If that is the case or wish, Friction and Collision Offset options can have an effect similar to that mentioned previous.

    ...Or, you may have already tried all these. All just suggestions.

    So many variables with so many assets make it impossible to have exact recipes or formulas for success.

    One other (simpler, possibly too simple or limited) option is the dForce Surface Adjuster dialog. (Right-click Surfaces tab of dForce hair asset; "dForce Surface Adjuster..." from popup menu; opens Adjuster in separate dialog box.)
    Choices of "Stiffer/Silkier, Shrink/Expand, Stretch-/+Stretch" have radio button options. Stiffer/Silkier buttons do have an effect on hair (with Shrink, Expand, and Stretch producing often less desirable results).

    Agree with @frank22 re: Primavera Hair, as well as most any other dForce hair asset from the same PA (dForce often done very well by them).

    Rank: Rank-1

    she needs eyelashes it seems. thanks for the suggestions. I'm still experimentating with dforce.

    Biggest hurdle it conforming to curves vs sticking out probably to stiff

    Rank: Rank 4


    Edited for order of operations.
    That is, altering Simulation Settings first might very well be enough, without messing with Surfaces tab at all if it can be avoided (leaving surface options as default from the PA).

    Rank: Rank 5

    Rank: Rank-1


    If I had the patience/skill to model hair I wouldn't be downloading it. However from talking with the women I've worked with over many years if you're a skilled hair stylist it's good and steady money. Seems some people apparently work out of their home and take cash to avoid certain unwanted attention. Not sure on most of the costs but micro braids are apparently expensive.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Other that needing some touching up She turned out ok.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Would she like you touching her up Adam❓


    Rank: Rank-1

    Unfortunate that comedy like that today will get you canceled. Its difficult to watch everything you enjoyed thoroughly destroyed.

    Its weird but it seems that's the reason vampires eventually go insane.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Hair in second image looks far more natural and conforming, ADAM (looks like different asset altogether, like Primavera or similar).

    Nice work.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @spats Thanks

    Its Primavera. Oddly Its one I didnt have installed and I usually install most hair files.Good hair and skin are IMHO the hardest things to find. With a few decent models you can morph into just about anything. I went through the other day and cleaned out all the skins I dont use. I really need to delete a lot of character morphs that bog down loading time.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Did you have any issues dForcing the hair Adam? I used to simulate the main hair before the higher stands but sometimes both together. Either way seems to work fine.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I just slapped it on, messed with the positioning a little and let it rip. It was a bit heavy on my laptop so I rendered it on a different system. Other than that it went smoothly.I didnt try to separate the layers. Thanks for the recommendation.

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