From something I'm working on

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  • #2098521
    Rank: Rank 3

    The first comes from a scene with a stripper. This is the reverse angle/pov of the stripper. 3DX renders tend to be high key/low contrast. Being a fan of film noir (and having been trained with celluloid) I prefer low key/high contrast. That said, it all depends on the requirement of the scene.

    This second shot was the result of a happy accident because it originally looked like this.

    IIRC it was after doing the lighting test that I unhid the window curtains in the rest of the plane and was blown away by the result.

    Thanks for looking!

    Rank: Rank 5

    First: Nice lighting on surroundings, think what's on the table came out real nice. Blonds hair is clipped, other woman 's face is very dark.
    Second and third : plane lights on/off? Both are nice, 3 reminds me more off the lighting in a plane.
    Nice work overall, could make them bigger.

    Rank: Rank-1

    The planes hull looks way to thin but I like the accident better

    Rank: Rank 7

    I prefer the earlier version, but it comes down to a matter of taste really. 🙂

    Rank: Rank 5

    Second plane image is best for me 3Dmouse. Love the poses in the strip club.

    Rank: Rank 3

    @gaver @d0gg0d @eelgoo @frank22

    Thanks muchly for weighing in: it’s greatly appreciated! I never realized about the hill; will play around with it to get it thicker.

    Noted on Blondie’s hair: will look around for a new ‘do and hopefully will be able to find one that’s compatible with 4.16 or 4.21 at most.

    That’s a great observation on the dusky girl: poc’s do tend to need more lighting; will play around with ghost lights for just enough fill.

    Regarding the size, the images posted are scaled down. Am thinking of using my website instead of image hosting so y’all can see the images at their correct size. Although registration is needed thanks to a Russian spammer. It’s a good think posts needed to be approved so it was caught and he was booted before any damage was done. I don’t know how y’all feel about the registration though.

    Regarding the lighting for Red: I used to tell my classes that when it comes to film-making/sequential art a shot/frame must always be taken in the context of what comes before and after it. Because of that (as much as I love the look of the happy accident) the original lighting is a better match, as seen in the plane sequence. I also needed to flop the image it turns out 😛

    Thanks for looking and reading!

    Rank: Rank 5

    I Use This to put up my images for the gallery
    I post images screensize (1820x1080).
    You're clever enough to figure out how to upload etc
    Just a tip

    I noticed ( and it is not a comment) all the figures have different skin tones. If you wanna do sequences,, is it not better to match skin tones more or less.
    I find it one of the annoying things in DS, and if I make group pics I always play with sliders to get at least an idea they all come from the same area so to say. If you add special lighting it even gets worse...
    But he, one needs a challenge

    Rank: Rank 3

    I Use This to put up my images for the gallery
    I post images screensize (1820x1080).
    You're clever enough to figure out how to upload etc
    Just a tip

    Thanks for the tip. Will sort out an alternative as I need a VPN to see things on postimages, and even with a vpn some browsers require constant verification, which gets old really fast.

    I noticed ( and it is not a comment) all the figures have different skin tones. If you wanna do sequences,, is it not better to match skin tones more or less.
    I find it one of the annoying things in DS, and if I make group pics I always play with sliders to get at least an idea they all come from the same area so to say. If you add special lighting it even gets worse...
    But he, one needs a challenge

    Point taken. Maybe I should have used the term "pages" and not "sequences" as the project is a webcomic. That said the genre is Urban Fantasy so there's a whole range of skin tones and colors XD

    Rank: Rank 5

    as I need a VPN as I need a VPN

    I would highly recommend using a VPN anyway. Pirating isn't as safe as it was in the nineties, better safe then sorry 😉

    Rank: Rank 3

    I would highly recommend using a VPN anyway. Pirating isn't as safe as it was in the nineties, better safe then sorry

    And here are two scenes at full size. Caveat: until they go live on my collective's website these should be considered lighting and camera tests.

    Crap, it looks like it's not displaying properly :/ will figure it out when i get up in the morning.

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