Free image hosting problems

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  • #613801
    Rank: Rank 5

    Hi all.
    Just a general question about the best free image hosting site available to us ZoneGFX uploaders.
    I discovered that Imgur was no longer accepted for posting here AND actually I was unable to use it with my legit account whereas previously it worked OK. Was there a reversal of policy somewhere ?
    So I used postimages and it seems to be woking fine but I remember there had been issues in the past...
    So it would be nice to share our experience about that.
    What is the currently recommanded free hosting site (by the admin team I mean), there should be a warning somewhere when drastic changes are taking place. Isn't it possible to directly upload here a very light pic (less than 100 kbytes) so that we could maintain accuracy and autonomy in the long run ?

    Rank: Rank 4

    since when is Imgur no longer accepted here and why?

    Rank: Rank 5

    Try uploading a product in a regular post and you can read a warning (easy to fail to notice)...

    Rank: Rank 4

    a test

    Rank: Rank 4

    @Corbeau worked fine

    Rank: Rank 7

    postimages has always worked fine for me.


    Rank: Rank 4

    Try to avoid Imgru please 🙁

    Rank: Rank 5

    Could you elaborate on the Imgur nuisance potential ?
    It seems they now refuse email address from Russia and there were several upload ban moments.
    Did they receive threats from the Powers (major content providers I mean, not political) ?
    Is postimage the right way to go ? (I think this should be streamlined to avoid confusion, specially for newbies)

    Rank: Rank 4


    OK.. Got my attention.. I think there is some confusion here, if I may.
    Imgr is used for posting pure pics to the forum threads. ie: contests, tutorials, misc.
    For uploading "products", imgr isn't used and it states which hosting sites CAN be used for product upload promo images. I believe it even states there not to use imgr. Postimages is probably the main one used by everyone for product upload images. But it states which hosting sites to use, so I don't see how more streamlined it could be.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Also, product posts go into ADD POST link at top of page, not in a regular post.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Ok, just to clarify the debate...
    The topic was in fact about ADD POST.
    Up to last month I confirm I used Imgur to post product promos (may have missed the warning and was on auto mode....) and it worked perfectly !
    Suddendly two days ago while I was preparing to upload a new product I was refused uploading BY the Imgur site (not here). I checked more cautiously the blurb when adding my post and noticed a very "timid" (easy to ignore while it should be more sternly worded) warning against Imgur. I mentionned streamlining because the example for promo link in adding post operation is no longer usable (site no longer exists) and the fact that imgur is allowed elsewhere (in the Zone) but not for the said ADD POST process could be misleading. I may be older and more tired than I think... Of course afterwards I used postimage. I would not like to cause a security breach 😉
    Still I would like to know the rationale behind this imgur restriction policy.

    Rank: Rank 4

    AS far i know imgur block domain when they use lot of there bandwidth
    So its better if we avoid them ...
    Try to use postimages .. .. mega ... googledrive etc 😀

    Rank: Rank 4

    @corbeau I was only going by what you had stated,

    "Try uploading a product in a regular post and you can read a warning (easy to fail to notice)…"

    which is not an ADD POST..

    Hope you have it figured out now.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Thank You, sounds logical.


    You are right my use of "regular" was at fault here, in fact I meant legit product availability process or something similar... I have a vocabulary problem, ADD POST is not a satisfactory term but "regular" was worse and misleading.
    This discussion may have been useful for some people (me at least ;)) sorry for those who may have lost their time.

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