dreamy pic

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  • #2076698
    Rank: Rank 5
    Rank: Rank-1

    Think there's just a tad bit to much DOF.

    Unfortunately on my phone for the next few days but only thing that looks in focus is the top of her cheek bones.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Focuspoint was left eye

    Rank: Rank 5

    As Adam mentioned that's one hell of a narrow DOF. The lighting has a nice affect and while the character doesn't appeal to me that much she does look dreamy.

    Rank: Rank 5

    I agree , the char is not the nicest one, but hey, they come in all shapes and sizes. Maybey should have turned it into black and white. Wanted to get the glamshot feel from the times of rita hayward etc.

    Rank: Rank-1

    My primary problem is the nose. Once you see how out of focus it is you can't unsee it. My eyes are constantly pulled there.
    If I force them to wander they are pulled to the hair that's mostly out of focus. I feel I'm trying to find a spot that's not blurred and they land on the cheek bone area.

    Didn't really want to comment on the character because everyone has different taste. Her facial bone structure seems a bit "heavy" for my taste. I'm sure someone has existed who looks exactly like her.

    I do like how she is lit and the reflections off the hair and skin.
    What skin is it?

    Rank: Rank 5

    To be honnest I can't remember, tried a couple of diffend skins on the figure
    Now you mention he nose I get what you say.
    This was basicly just a try out of lighting and DOF. Just picked a random figure...
    She kind of reminds me of a Dutch singer from the 70's

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