Drawing portraits of daz3d females

Home Page Forums Art Showcase Drawing portraits of daz3d females

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  • #782639
    Rank: Rank-2

    I’m with @jcourtney, I’ve done enough digital art to recognize when something looks like it’s been run through a cheap filter app or Photoshop app, which all of these look like they have. :/

    Rank: Rank 6

    @dynamico, the process you posted is the least convincing of the "work" you've shown. Well done. Do you want to know what the most disappointing thing about all this is? It's that this is a forum centring around 3D art and if you'd just shown the renderings for what they were then they would have been appreciated the same. The fact that you wanted credit for "drawing" them and lied about their creation is your downfall. It's stupid.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Alright... I wasn't GOING to say anything but that half-ass attempt at trying pass off your filter-work as legit artist work has rather pissed me off.

    THIS is the SAME kind of stuff done BY ME using FILTERS. I guess, by your formula of thinking, I painted this by hand.

    Now THIS is mixed both filters and HAND work done in multiple layers by myself for my daughter.

    THIS is what a REAL hand-drawn image looks like incase your faking ass FORGOT what it really looks like. No, it's not perfect, it's flawed. It has wrinkles and imperfections because *gasp* IT WAS DONE BY HAND on PAPER with a PEN.

    I have SEVERE arthritis in my hands hence why I no longer do artwork like my pen drawing above and I would NEVER try to pass this kind of stuff like you're doing! It PISSES me off and makes it all the harder for people like ME to be taken seriously in the art community! Either TELL THE DAMN TRUTH or go lay under the porch! Don't come off sideways with that swan-song "I don't wanna play with you anymore" BS because you got called out.
    *mic drop*

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