Daz... now... *seriously?*

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  • #2081280
    Rank: Rank 4

    No high-ranking group orgy?... disappointing Anna.
    I hear Adam has volunteered to clean your toilet bowl and trim your toenails... with his teeth. As a Rank 4 I guess I'll get something less humiliating, foot massage or something.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Really depends on how attractive the queen is. Cleaning a toilet isn't an issue. In my 20s a looong time ago, I worked for a cleaning company on one of the largest air-force bases in America as well as in the BX where they hosted military events. Ive cleaned a lot of pretty much everything. Toenails is out unless shes a 9+ and then Ill think about it.

    I'm thinking early access to blocked content. Possibly the ability to post a signature. Maybe a reduced cost for public content. a larger avatar. Something besides a number would be kinda nice.
    Im sure Ive talked about it before multiple times

    Rank: Rank 4

    Yeh we've been through this before... but it's kind'a fun all the same.
    I've also spent a lot of time cleaning toilets in previous jobs, folding toilet paper into a nice little triangle shape at resorts... and raiding the resort bars at 2am. A nice glass of 50/50 Drambuie and Glenfiddich can really take the edge off a long night shift.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    Truthfully I like cleaning, vacuuming, etc,
    Could pay to have it done.
    But it provides exercise, and is sort of a zen thing.
    Worked for 34 years in a brokerage co..
    Very high stress levels.
    Housework relaxing (and boring, and repetitious)

    Rank: Rank-1

    The 2 things a probably hate the most are cutting the grass and washing dishes.

    I feel like cutting the grass is futile because its just going to grow back.

    I washed dishes as a job for awhile and I washed more dishes in a week that some will probably wash in a lifetime. We used concentrated soap and a covered steamer with an automated track. It felt like burning your fingerprints off most of the day.

    Video games just piss me off sometimes. So Movies and Daz relax me unless I cant figure something out. (https://zonegfx.com/forums/topic/ornella-pw-v4/) Movies just suck now with a very rare few exceptions.

    Rank: Rank 4

    "Movies just suck now with a very rare few exceptions."
    Yep most movies suck these days. I like films that aren't pretentious and don't take themselves too seriously.... like M3GAN or Abigail. Though this one scared the pants off me.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I liked M3gan. I ordered Abigail on Bluray because it seemed like it would be similar and different at the same time. havent seen it yet but Ill probably like it.

    Dune 2 was decent. I didnt think it was as good as the hype but it was decent. I hear the Boys S4 sux so ill probably skip that.

    Its a bit off the wall but try this one.

    This is out there as well

    Rank: Rank 4

    Baxter was a good movie, its been a while since I watched it. All the best horror movies, in my opinion, were between 1975 and 1995. Within those 20 years were all the best.

    Rank: Rank-1


    If I had to pick 1 horror movie as the best it would be " The Thing" from 1982

    The best Werewolf movie is still "The Howling" 1981

    I think "Interview with a Vampire" replace all the vampire movies as the best but I still liked the 1979 Dracula version that didnt seem to get good reviews.

    Seems the sweet spot for most movies was the 80s

    Rank: Rank 4

    @d0gg0d those are all excellent choices. But for vampire movies, I prefer Near Dark and Salems Lot. Fright Night was pretty cool too in its own way.

    For more modern spins on the vampires & werewolves, have you seen Stakeland 1 & 2 and Late Phases?
    They are all really good, definitely amongst the best vampires & werewolves movies

    Rank: Rank-1

    Near dark is definitely an overlooked gem. Don't get cowboy vampires often.

    I remember liking Salems Lot then rewatching it as an adult. I can't remember it vividly so it must not have made an impression.

    I liked Fright Night. His friend made the movie for me.

    There's a really odd one, I think it's called Children of the Night. It's borderline comedy but takes a very odd twist on vampires. I liked it but it's definitely not for everyone.

    When I get home I'll have to look up your recommendation. I've not seen Stakeland

    Rank: Rank 4

    I dont think ive seen children of the night yet, the one from 1991 Im assuming you meant?
    I have no desire to see the one from 2023

    Rank: Rank-1


    I remember this being an oddly decent zombie flick

    Rank: Rank-1

    Lovecraft fans

    Dagon 2001 hidden gem
    Mouth of Madness 1994 sometimes overlooked
    Color of Space 2019 Surprisingly good
    From Beyond 1986 weird
    Re-Animator 1985 classic

    Rank: Rank 4

    "Don't get cowboy vampires often."
    Or a ballerina vampire.

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