Daz... now... *seriously?*

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  • #2080851
    Rank: Rank-2

    Friends and neighbors, check out "Wagner 9". They're really not trying to hide it anymore, Hiddleston should go after them. Unless they have a deal...

    Rank: Rank 7

    They have started to play fast and loose with lots of copyrighted franchises.

    Quick buck over long term security, seems to be the attitude now.


    Rank: Rank 4

    They’ve poked the bear so many times, it’s eventually going to him them back.

    Rank: Rank 6

    On a Id card or Driver Licence there is a code with a number this one will tell how many Twins you have. I have 8, How many have you got ? So seriously, the world seems on a edge of a WW3, might be even worse, all these aggressions, provocations, intrigues, Laws, control, restrictions, pointing fingers. It is not a Government, a court, a Cop, that is setting all these, we do it, we restrict our selves, we take our own freedom, then we try to blame someone else for what we do our selves. Isn't this Irony ?

    wonder if you can sue your twins for having the same face just because you are a little more prominent !

    Rank: Rank-2

    ..and this is relevant to image infringement how?

    Rank: Rank 6

    My Sohn for example is almost a exact clone of "Jason Statham" , can you Imagine !? The resemblance is stunning. I Look like "Paul Hogan" back then they were calling me Crocodile Dundee! Life is strange, Admiration should be worth a pot of gold, this would be the better way rather then hanging them on a Bridge to show all that they did wrong.

    " Sue your Nabors just because you do not like he's look "

    Rank: Rank-2

    Got sucker punched in a bar years ago because the brother of a girl thought I was her husband!

    Rank: Rank 6

    I had also such a experience with a waitress, she thought I was her boyfriend, but Ignorance was my doom so she started picking and hitting on me, screaming what a bloody motherfucker I was behaving like I would not know her ! Wonder if she maintained her relationship !?

    Rank: Rank 6

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    Not "Hiddleston" but "Robert Carlyle"
    These sure have some resemblances so who shall it be ??

    Rank: Rank 6

    They might of tried to make Wagner, there is a little something of Hiddleston and Robert Carlyle in that face, so who knows.

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    Rank: Rank 6

    Here the Final ... Who is Who

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    Rank: Rank-1

    I was approached at a Sci-Fi convention and asked for an autograph. They thought I was Jeff Goldblum.

    We were at Disney a looong time ago. My uncle was asked why he wasn't working today. An employee though he was one of the staff.

    Pretty good chance they could get away with it unless there was a very defining characteristic like a tattoo or birthmark.

    Didn't Mike Tyson's tattoo artist sue for his tattoo being used in a movie?

    google celebrity doppelgangers

    Rank: Rank-2

    They definitely playing both angles, with Loki on one side and Nightcrawler on the other side. I think they added Nightcrawler after putting blue skin on Loki as to simulate his Jötunn incarnation in the Thor movie. Then theyr ealized that with curly hair and a brighter shade of blue, he could also do as a Nightcrawler. Hell, with a silver pearly skin and slicked back hair, you get a decent Data from StarTrek too. How to rip three licenses with one stone 😀

    Rank: Rank 6

    sure amazing these doppelgangers 🙂

    ... These Cosplay things have a good market, also for 3D, Customers are Familiar with them, there are huge fan communities, so why not for DS, it gives at least some the opportunity to be a part of these fantasy stories.

    The creator of these have still allot of work and they just earn little for what they do, they are passionate, it might give them a little more of a chance getting a reward for the hard work. They actually deserve it !

    If Daz would go down for such, just because some think it is not right by legal claims, who do you think will suffer? DS can be shut down by remote just like Adobe Flash, a klick and the affair is done, all will scream yahooooo Daz got sued and taken down they got what they deserved " Lets Dance ", but you as user will stand in front of a big 3D DS collection that will just say, Out of Order.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I think theyd just sue for stopping the offending character and all or part of the profits off that item.

    A clever lawyer may sue for emotional damages linked to misuse of the product such as pron.

    With deep fake and AI art being a thing now Im not sure why the courts arent flooded yet. maybe they are and I just am unaware.

    how much change is required to an item before its considered altered enough to not be a copy of an idea? Could Spiderman be named Manspider and have a blue and orange costume.

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