DAZ History panel?

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  • #533118
    Rank: Rank-1

    Can you achieve a similar function like the History in Photoshop, where u know where to click to undo to a specific point, I know ctrl+z might do but something like very subtle changes or something hidden away may be hard to notice.

    Or how to undo / reset breast morphs except ctrl+z

    Also, where does bought morphs usually reside? so far from my fiddling I found are in "Parameters" and some are in "Shaping"

    Rank: Rank 7

    Well, there is an undo button under the edit drop down.

    I use it fairly often, but it doesn't work on every function.

    It is useful under most circumstances.


    Rank: Rank-1

    For morphs, you can also usually click on your figure and under the tab Parameters, click Currently Used and try to find the morph you want to remove or dial back.

    Rank: Rank-1

    most morphs show up as dials for me. I think there may be some special ones on shapes, anatomy that might have to be applied. Also clicking on the entire figure ot just a part will show different morph dials.

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