Hello everyone. If you are like myself, then you have seen a CMS error from day 1 forward within DAZ Studio. If this is you I may have located the fix. If not but your getting errors try this as well and let us all know if it worked please.
So last night as I was trying to clean up my folders as I was unzipping new items to look at. I ran across a folder simply named "cms" within my "program Files" folder.
C:\Program Files\cms
Within this UNKNOWN of file that DAZ installs during install I locate this file...
I instantly knew this was my fix. I then quickly cursed Daz and myself for all the wasted time I have spent online trying to get my CMS up and running. I quickly installed, did a restart to be safe, then jumped inside Daz and FINALLY got no message about a broken CMS. It worked! Its running a complete Gen 3 to Gen 8 clothing conversion right now. 9 hours in on the conversion and still going strong.
SO there you have it. I hope this reaches anyone else out there that somehow missed the install info DAZ may or may not have shared about our CMS installation file.