CDDS Custom DIM Designer Studio v1.0.6.1

Home Page Forums Free Resources CDDS Custom DIM Designer Studio v1.0.6.1

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  • #240085
    Colle O'Grbage
    Rank: Rank-1

    Custom DIM Designer Studio is a Windows application to make custom DIMs for DAZ Studio’s Install Manager.

    It is free upon registration at the site, and I also included several .pdf tutorials found on CDDS forums, grabbed videos for offline viewing, and packed all together for your convenience.!zN00mQRJ!vLmoVAZnioywKSN-mIzCy701up2kwrH_zF69JmwGDvQ


    Poser file formats are now supported.

    Bug fixes and updates to Smart content tab.

    Joe Kerr
    Rank: Rank 4

    I hope people will register on his site and give some feedback on this great program, or he's going to stop adding new features.

    Colle O'Grbage
    Rank: Rank-1

    IMO he should release a polished version commercially, then he'll have both material rewards for his efforts and feedback from readership that matters, ie paying customers.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I am friends elsewhere on the web with the creator of this application. His username most places is RunningDAZman. He first created this app while he was active on KickAssTorrents, once that shut down, he continued development while at TopGFX. 6 months later he started up his own Forum which is posted above and released the first Public Beta. I had a hand in the early development of this app by providing all versions of Daz EXE installers as well as installers from BaronVladHarkonnen(BVH), Content Paradise, and others.

    CDDS can extract all of these and create the needed modern DIM formatting and Manifest files for automated installation.

    RunningDAZman would appreciate those that want to use his app would register on his site and provide feedback to further the development of CDDS. He needs testers to provide suggestions for plug-ins, added features and Bug Reports.

    There is already a suite of 6 plug-ins that will also work outside his CDDS App.

    Rank: Rank-2

    I originally created CDDS for my own use but then decide to share with the Daz
    community on the old KAT before it went down. So later on people that help develop
    started asking if I was still working on it. So I setup a forum for CDDS and
    started working on it again. For the ones that register on there in a forum for the test build I'm working on.
    As this is a constantly changing build I would appreciate if that build is not
    posted anywhere other than my forum.

    As for selling CDDS I don't think it be right to sell a more or less a community
    project. The feedback from the community made CDDS what it is today. So CDDS will
    alway be a free program.

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