Home Page Forums Art Competition 2025 CALENDAR COMPETITION

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  • #2116944
    Rank: Rank 5

    Sorry, I don't see where it says Worda is banned in that thread but I guess he is because he no appears in the members list.
    Points aren't physical items and it's not like he packed them in a bag and ran out a door. They remain within the "system" so one might expect Admin to cough up the points for the comp in a case like this. Personally I don't think we entered just to win points, not me anyway, so the main purpose of it for me was achieved when the last calendar was posted. They were great to see, all diverse and innovative... congratulation to everyone.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Takes effort to get banned from here. Wonder what happened.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Banned, or deleted the account.

    Either way, let's consider this "competition" over. It was great seeing all the entries, each one introduced something interesting to the mix.

    Rank: Rank-2

    After all the effort in make this calendar, can only say that:


    Rank: Rank-1

    Here’s what y’all would have won…
    Best Calander:
    1st place, 1138adrianmartinez, 30,000 points.
    2nd place, Lucafeelgood, 20,000 points.
    3rd place, (Joint) EveAdams & Geekaveli, 5,000 points each.

    Best Page
    January, EveAdams 10,000 points.
    February, (Joint) 1138adrianmartinez & Solemann, 5,000 points each.
    March, Lucafeelgood, 10,000 points.
    April, Frank21 , 10,000 points.
    May, Adam, 10,000 points.
    June, 1138adrianmartinez, 10,000 points.
    July, EveAdams, 10,000 points.
    August, 1138adrianmartinez, 10,000 points.
    September, 1138adrianmartinez, 10,000 points.
    October, Frank21 , 10,000 points.
    November, lucafeelgood, legolas18, 3dNoob, adam, 1138adrianmartinez, 2,000 points each.
    December, EveAdams, 10,000 points.

    Rank: Rank-1

    As I write this, these are the current rankings of the winners of the competition,

    Frank21, Rank 5
    EveAdams, Rank 6
    Legolas, Rank infinity
    Geekaveli, Rank 3

    1138adrianmartinez, Rank 1
    Adam, Rank 1
    Soleman, Rank 1
    3dnoob, Rank 1

    I initially said I'd donate 10,000 points to the prize pot. This competition wasn't arranged by me. And I have no obligation to give away more points that I initially stated. However, in the interest of community spirit, I'm going to honour the prize pool promised by Worda for the winners below my rank. As everyone else above it doesn't need the points. Nor do I have enough to give them.

    I’ve sent you the 5,000 you would have won.

    I’ve sent you the 2,000 you would have won.

    Adam @d0gg0d I’ve sent you 2,000 points today, I’ll send you the other 10,000 tomorrow. As there’s a 10,000-point transfer limit per day.

    I’ll be sending you 67,500. I can send a maximum of 10,000 a day. So, I’ll send it over a week, starting Wednesday or Thursday.

    Thanks everyone for taking part. It kept me busy, and I had fun. Hope y'all did to 🙂

    Rank: Rank 5

    As I said before. I bet this Worda will never get his ass over here and finish what he started, I'm glad they threw him overboard.

    Another thing, I haven't been here for a while to watch all this shit. But @geekaveli saved this situation some ways. Thanks for that.

    It was great to see how many different and creative entries were submitted. Congratulations to all..--..

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks @geekaveli

    Rank: Rank 5

    "As everyone else above it doesn't need the points."
    I was feeling a bit ashamed anyway as I didn't put much into the pot, so winning no points makes me feel less guilty about that 🙂 .
    I like how you stepped in to finish the comp.


    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks @Geekaveli for not only stepping up and taking charge of the competition, but going the extra mile by donating more of your own points to the prize pot 🙂

    Rank: Rank-2

    thanks @geekaveli !!

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks for stepping up as well as sending points

    Rank: Rank 7

    I've send @1138adrianmartinez - a link to the Maldives Villa. It's up to him if wants to share it or not. I won't be sharing it.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Now I'm feeling more guilty than ever Elim. Sent @geekaveli 5,000 points, the balance of what I should have put in the pot in the first place. Being a stingy cheapskate always catches up with your conscience in the end 🙂 .

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thank you Frank21 and EveAdam for contributing points, and Elim for honoring the asset.

    As promised, I've sent those I mentioned above the point amounts I'd stated.

    It turns out the '10,000 Current Day Transfer Limit' isn't capped at 10,000 points per day. Just 10,000 points per transaction. Sending more than 10,000 in one go doesn't work. But multiple transactions broken into increments of 10,000 points will go through. Even when sent to the same person.

    Maybe that's common knowledge? Maybe it's a mistake in code?

    Either way, the sites FAQ could do with updating, as it says transfers are capped at 300 points per day, and to PM admin if you need to send anymore...

    A whole ass calendar was a lot to take on! Glad I done it, was happy for the extra time so I could get it done. But I think going forward I'm going to stick to smaller competitions.

    It was Maddy that said Worda got banned. My understanding going from what people have posted is that Worda had been uploading content that other people had filled via requests, or something like that. It is what it is.

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