Home Page Forums Art Competition 2025 CALENDAR COMPETITION

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  • #2114550
    Rank: Rank 7

    I am not afraid of the raise of artificial intelligence. I am more concerned about the raise of natural stupidity.

    Not my original thought, so I should add "and the usage of AI by unwise and ignorant people".

    Hopefully, AI will be developed in such a way to represent not only the ultimate intellect, but also the ultimate wisdom.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Call me skeptical about how humans use knowledge.

    Rank: Rank 3

    I'm not overly concerned about terminators blending in with us. Passing a person you suspect of being a machine your mobile phone and asking them to complete a image captcha is fairy straight forward.

    Why must people put headache educing noise like that in the background of their videos. Made it completely unwatchable.


    Shocking that they're using reddit posts with out fact checking them in their A.I models! No wonder chat bots have been using racial slurs and telling people to off themselves. I mean what did they expect!

    Rank: Rank 5

    Sorry about that @geekaveli. Do you want me to use AI to remove the background noise from the video?
    Waiting for this comp to finish has make some people slightly tetchy 🙂

Viewing 4 posts - 166 through 169 (of 169 total)
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