Book cover illustratin mockup

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  • #1718437
    Julián de León
    Rank: Rank-1

    Steampunk cover

    Hope you like another piece of design mixing Daz Studio with photoshop

    Rank: Rank 4

    Very Nice! I like it all but especially like the little red trademark type of symbol at the bottom - a subtle touch that makes a difference. If I were to have any negative, it would be the 'A' behind her. Since it is a book cover, lettering matters. The A is distracting because it is a letter that does not belong to a word and is the brightest thing on the page. Of course, if you have written the book already and the letter 'A' is a pivotal plot point, then disregard what I have said and change it to 'a genius bit of foreshadowing'! The mockup is seriously good!

    Rank: Rank 5

    Good render. Like the little but heavy fire in the engine. The Steampunk ambience is impressive.
    Just great.

    Julián de León
    Rank: Rank-1 Thank you very much. The A is because it was part of the foto because it's an AEG electric engine and I liked to keep it in the background foto. I send you the link where the image is explained (or at least it's parts) if you scroll down.

    The red "trademark" is my logo, or more precisely my monogram. My name is JULIO and all the letters are in this logo/monogram

    Thanks again for the input!

    Julián de León
    Rank: Rank-1

    Thank you very much, but the render wasn't good enough due to mu computer so I decide to finish it in Photoshop, that is my real tool.

    Rank: Rank 5

    I really don't like the steampunk thing, but I can't argue against what is a brilliantly constructed and executed image. Sorry I missed it last month.

    Julián de León
    Rank: Rank-1

    Thank you very much @Zemlon & @Frank21 !

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