I have been searching for it forever, it's a promo for the Kanade Hair for G8F over on Daz, and it's driving me nuts! Anyone know what it's from?? I see a Moogle, frick too cuteee
I believe it is the dforce bunny outfit but with a custom texture. It might be a rejected texture, if that is a moogle such a texture would be a potential copyright violation. So Daz would not allow it if they knew about it.
Also that content maker along with Rarestone have a tendency to do things like this. They might use WIP versions of their products in promo pics, which defer from the final version. And other times they might modify an existing product for promo pics, like they probably did here.
Oh my gosh that would be amazing! I'd love one Inuyasha or Bleach themed. My fave characters from Bleach are Hollow Ichigo, Byakuya, Toshiro. From Inuyasha, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru, and their dad from the one movie, Inunotaisho.