3DUK File Issues?

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by ADAM.
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  • #2063580
    Rank: Rank-1

    Does anybody have trouble loading models from 3DUK?

    I have Ellen Ripley and Spider-Gwen, yet I cannot load their Bodies into Daz.
    I Can load in little things like Hair and Piercings, Clothing, etc.

    But not their bodies or faces. and I'm confused why.

    I double checked that I placed all files in the appropriate directories.
    The only thing I have noticed is the lack of "DUF" files.

    So I'm wondering if this is typical of him, or whether I merely have Models with missing files?

    Has anybody else had these problems before, If so how did you resolve them?
    Finally, if you do have the DUF Files for them... Please can I have them.

    It's frustrating as I want to use them, but the fact that I can't is annoying.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Try this. Load G8/9 then go to the menu where you dial in the characters. See if the character is there as a dial then dial it in. It could be under parameters or shaping. If you still dont see it try showing hidden properties.

    This is of course just a guess

    Rank: Rank-1

    Okay. It's official.
    I'm a Dumbass.

    Thank you Adam.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Nah, Daz isn't always user friendly. I'm learning and forgetting stuff every time a decide to mess with it. Took me awhile to figure out some things. Glad to help.

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