Since anyone requested yet the hair, I opened it and added the new Daz outfit.
https://www.daz3d.com/debutante-hair-for-genesis-8-and-81-female Filled, thanks.

I'll pay 1200 for both or 700 points for hair and 500 for outfit.
PM with links for points. Thank you in advance.
More points below if others want them too. 😉
TOTAL (until now) - Hair (8750 points) and Outfit (6800 points)
Me - 1200 points both or 700 points hair and 500 outfit
Frank (puntoboy) - 500 points each
amberleaf - 1000 points each
drax (ehrez) - 500 points each
Tom Dooley (tomdooley) - 500 points each
Eidersson - 500 points each
Monk (monkeyes) - 1000 points each
Sara1985 (maxxp2) - 500 points for hair
aitha - 250 points each
Because789 - 1000 points for hair and 500 points for outfit
Fairylady1 (nsprite78) - 500 points for hair
Anon100001 (marin554) 1000 points each
cc2001a (ttt2) - 300 points each
Phoernik - 500 points each
duckface - 1000 points each