Fluent : Materializer v1.8- Material Tool Suite

Fluent : Materializer v1.8- Material Tool Suite

Fluent : Materializer v1.8- Material Tool Suite

More than 110 nodes ready to be combined to make thousand of materials
Actively developed for inovation and follow Blender updates
Unique decal system

Previous updates

Make & bake awesome custom materials using a polished procedural workflow that was designed for actual artists.
Tell your model’s epic story as you apply edge wear, grime, chipped paint, mud, scratches, and more!

Fluent : Materializer gives you easy-to-use, infinite possibilities at the tips of your ambitious nerdfingers.
Stay inside Blender as you create or improve any material, right up to the end, no UVs required. Materialize your vision!

A tool suite to make your own procedural materials
The spirit of Materializer :

A complete and consistent workflow, no premade materials.
A global method, no one shot tips.
Allow everyone to raise their level.
A pie menu for a fast node tree building
Addition and auto-connection of layers, mix layers and edge/cavity masks.

A library of procedural effects
The nodes are designed to be easily combined together.

Materializer allows you to add decals and be able to interact with your material. A unique way to work with decals in Blender.

Procedural painted mask
With this feature, paint with procedural brush. Of course, the model have to be unwrapped.

Materializer 1.5
Blender 4 compatibility. Blender added important changes about node and API. You will find 2 builds, one for Blender 3.6 and one for Blender 4.0.
UI improvements.
NEW Automatic use of bake result. This options adds a slot with new material that uses the bake result.
NEW Bake multiple objects in same image. How to use it ?
Cavity/Edge mask : improvement of result and expose new setting → Thresolhold. It prevents unwanted masking on large bevels.
NEW Color mask : make mask by picking a color in a color map input.
IMPORTANT CHANGE for Blender 4 compatible version
Mix layers and layers nodes has been reworked to enable work on all Principled BSDF inputs, with a more compact node tree than before.
Decal mixer node has been reworked to take advantage of panel.

Materializer 1.8.0
NEW library section → Man made.
NEW : Solar panel cells
NEW : Seyes (paper pattern)
NEW : Crumpled paper
NEW : Corrugated clading panel (for displacement)
NEW : Cardboard
NEW : Cardboard side
Bake : if the background bake fails, a button allow to reset it. Tip : if the background bake doesn’t work for you, you can deactivate it in the preferences.


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