I am.......Fierce. Post disaster, I've become......a survivor, a hunter, a scavenger, vicious, lonely, elated and tired. We became a sisterhood on a ravaged planet, deep within the mired walls of a makeshift underground, my kind seek to replenish resources to feed a scavenged population. We have spies everywhere, we are everywhere, we must be. Food sources are limited, violence is simply a part of our existence. We struggle in this scarred heap called earth, only 15% survived natural disasters that drew the other 85 to their deaths. As I sat, in younger days, through all the movies, played countless video games, and read books, I never imagined anything so simple would bring this world to its knees. There was no great alien nation seeking to make us part of the hive, we were no super experiment seeded by the future, we were a simply random and beautiful byproduct of the science of creativity. Our end was our own greediness. We treated earth cruelly and she collapsed under the weight of pollution, excess and technology.

We the Fierce, will one day help humanity back onto its great and scarred feet, what is good in us, what is left, is simply what we live for.

30650, Pixeluna, RuntimeDNA, Syyd, Victoria 4

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