Falling, Floating, Flying for Vue

Falling, Floating, Flying for Vue

Falling, Floating, Flying for Vue
An amazing new Metanode to add to your arsenal of Vue tools.This pack includes:
The 3 Dimensional Distribution Metanode, 4 Ecosystems; Debris, Japanese Maple Leaves, Bubbles and Asteroids.
It also includes ALL the objects used in the ecosystems and materials used in their creation.

This new Metanode will allow you to not only populate the surface of objects but will also
set those objects free to fall, float and fly. Each of the four ecosystems included are fully textured with the debris material full of detail and depth.
From shattered glass to bricks and rubble.

Although there are 4 ecosystems included there is no end to the way this Metanode can populate your 3D space.
Birds, balloons, feathers, planes, spacecraft or even fish to populate your underwater scenes!

Fill your spaces with infinitely editable detail!

All content by Barry Marshall Designs

This pack comprises:

The 3 Dimensional Distribution Metanode

4 Ecosystems; Debris, Japanese Maple Leaves, Bubbles and Asteroids.

The Debris Eco contains:
4 types of brick
3 broken columns
5 glass shards
4 broken brick panels
3 steel girders
(all objects are included as separate .vob files)

Japanese Maple Leaves contains:
4 types of Maple leaves
(all objects are included as separate .vob files)

Bubbles contains....a Bubble!
(included as separate .vob file)

Asteroid contains.....asteroids? 😉

The pack also contains both the .mat file "Bubble" and "Asteroid".

Also includes a PDF detailing how to operate the Metanode.


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