Facility 3 "Silo" Core Package For Daz Studio 4.8+

Facility 3 "Silo" Core Package For Daz Studio 4.8+

Facility 3 "Silo" for Daz Studio

Vendor/Creator: Davo or Davorama

Daz Studio Optimization: Freeone

Copyright (c) 2017 davo. All rights reserved. Not intended for redistribution.
Need some high security? The Facility 3 "Silo" will do the trick with this secure silo chamber with restraint platform guarded by two mini-guns. Lots of add-on scene props and a very cool restraint table will add to your Facility sets collection.
System Requirements:

- PC compatible
- Not tested in Mac
- Requires DazStudio 4.8+
- Basic V7 and M7 for Poses
- Poser 8+ Only version is available with V4/M4 support (sold separately)
- All files in .duf, .dsf, .png and .jpg format.
Figure Library Features:

- Accessory 1: This is a scene filler figure, it's default position is under the platform. The piping on this figure can be rotated to new positions depending how you want to set up your scene. It has some ambient lit material zones that will glow in a dark scene.

- Accessory 2: This is a scene filler figure, its default position is around the outer edge of the platform. Each of the spars can be posed/repositioned. It has some ambient lit material zones that will glow in a dark scene. All four spars are attached to a non-rendering null base sphere. Move the base and all the spars can be moved/rotated to together.

- Accessory 3: This is a scene filler figure, its default position is around the outer edge of the platform. Each of the boxes can be rotated, repositioned if needed. There is an overall scale morph to make them larger if you want to make them huge on the sides of the silo wall. All four boxes are attached to a non-rendering null base sphere. Move the base and all the boxes can be moved/rotated to together.

- Accessory 3 Xtra: This is a stand-alone box from the Accessory 3 figure, it has a scaling morph.

- Accessory 4: This is a scene filler figure that is a large wall mounted lamp. There is a right and left lamp. This is a symmetrical mirroring figure. There are morphs to adjust the length of armatures and scale the lamp heads. Both lamps are attached to a non-rendering null base sphere. Move the base and all the boxes can be moved/rotated to together. The lamp heads have ambient lit material zone that will glow in a dimly lit scene.

- Accessory 4 Xtra: This is a stand-alone lamp figure with the same morphs as the Accessory 4 figure.

- Accessory 5: This is huge ventilation fan figure. It has a diameter morph for the blade and blade housing. You can place this fan anywhere in your scene. The fan blades can rotate.

- Silo: This is building figure. It has 4 upper, mid and lower walls and columns that can each be moved out of view for better camera angles. There are two floor styles. One style has a morphing grate on a sloping floor. This floor style can also be flattened with a morph. The second floor style is positioned out of view by default. This floor style is a simple flat floor without grate.
The ceiling is sloped and has a flattening morph as well. The back mid wall has a posable door and two mini-guns that are posable. There is also a fluid level that is positioned out of view by default, you can move this up and down to simulate a fluid level.
The upper, mid and lower wall rings with their columns can be moved up, down or out of view by moving the diamond shaped wireframe null bases. The main null base that moves the entire figure is located centrally in the scene. Any of the walls can be moved out of view and replaced with either of the two window viewing "Xtra Wall 1 or 2" figures.

- Silo Xtra Wall Posable: This is an extra ring of 4 walls and columns you can add to your silo to make it taller and still be able to move a wall out of view for camera angles.

- Silo Xtra Wall solid: This is a solid ring of wall segments that are not posable, you can stack them on top of each other.

- Table: This is the restraint table. It has articulated/posable arms/legs and articulated dildo armature fixed to a dildo control panel. This table is symmetrical mirroring and has length morphs on most of the items for adjustments. The dildo head has size/shape morphs for interest. You can also rotate the dildo control base 180 degrees so it is on the head side of the table, then you can adjust the dildo length until it is shortened out of view, then pose the dildo base into the back of your characters neck to make it appear your character is "plugged in". This is used on the male poses. You must parent your character to the "table" part of the table figure or otherwise reverse its default parent to tilt the character on the table.

- Xtra Wall 1: This is a viewing window wall you can use to replace any of the walls in the silo. It has a wide/rectangular viewing window.

- Xtra wall 2: This is a viewing window wall you can use to replace any of the walls in the silo. It has a circular viewing window.
Cuffs Library:

V4-M4 G3M-G3F: These are for V4 and M4 figures.
These libraries contain smart prop cuffs to use in conjunction with the most of Davo's packages. These smart props will automatically position and parent to your characters.
To apply the cuffs, click on your character in your preview window, then click to add the cuff(s), they will position automatically.
Link props can be used to provide a link for using the cuffs like hand cuffs with a link the middle.
Pre-Assembly Library:

The Assembly library contains to pre-assembled silo figures with some of the accessories and a viewing window wall attached.

Pose Libraries:

Note: Poses will get your default character "close" to positioning, you may have to make some minor adjustments if your character is heavily morphed or scaled.

Poses for the Table and matching poses for V4, G3F and G3M, M4 are provided in separate libraries. You must parent your character to the "Table" part of the table figure before applying the pose for your character. Click on the table or your character before applying the pose of choice.
Readme File: There is a more detailed readme file in the product zip file.


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