Exnem Body Hair for G3 Females
This system works just like clothing.
Simply add to G3 and it will auto conform, change color and thickness as required.
Lower arm, upper arm, abdomen,
neck, chest, back, hips & thighs, shins,
armpits and pubic hair all are separate
parts so you can load all or only the
ones you want to render.
Some parts
like lower arm hair come in different
versions for shorter or sparser hair.
Other parts have different options
for thickness or thinness so you
can adjust depending on how far
away is your charcter.
thickness for characters farther
from camera, decrease thickness
for closeups.
A special method I use to get precise
control over where I want hair or
not is to render 2 versions of the
same image, one with hair and
one without, then use Gimp or
Photoshop to add the image with
hair on top of the image without
and use the eraser at 50% or so
to blend or erase the appearance
of hair where I want. Fast and
easy and you get incredible
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