Eclipse Lights

Eclipse Lights

Eclipse Lights

Eclipse Lights is a large set of spotlights with a wide variety of effects for your sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and contemporary scenes. Most of the presets are built from 5 spotlights representing the sun (primary light), chromosphere (large outer glow), inner corona (ring of light around the shadow), a moon shadow, and space (a wide spotlight for ambient light). The spotlights use familiar settings like light geometry to add shape and softness to the light and shadow. The moon shadow can be moved to show different phases of the eclipse, and the presets can be scaled to fit your subject matter.

Many of the promos use Atmocam2 for fog effects, so the shape of the light is visible, but most atmospheric props that use the Iray Uber shader or VDB (volumetric fog) will work. Check out the promos for tips on how to use these dramatic and unique lights in your scenes.

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