EA Blaise Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s) (repost)
"Blaise outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s)" contains a full wardrobe for the casual shopping day, a leisure day with friends or a walk in the close-by park.
Colorful, fresh and airy is the included dforce blouse and, as a subtle contrast, heavy and quite a bit damaged the included "jeggings" (a mix between jeans and lggings ;)). A pair of simple yet comfy sandal as well as accessories are included in your purchase.
Included are:
1x blouse
1x jeggings
2x sandals (left and right)
2x earrings (left and right)
1x armband (right)
1x finger ring (left)
1x necklace
Also included are a large variety of materials:
5 MATs for the blouse
8 MATs for the jeggings (4x standard, 4x damaged/ripped)
5 MATs for the sandals
3 MATs for the armband and the necklace
4 MATs for the earrings/ the ring
The blouse is a dforce item, the jeggings is not. Both clothing items have standard adjustment morphs included such as "Adjust Waist", "Adjust chest" etc.
Happy rendering!
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