Delorean (Back to the Future)

Delorean (Back to the Future)

Delorean (Back to the Future)
The DeLorean time machine is a fictional automobile-based time travel device featured in the Back to the Future franchise. In the feature film series, Dr. Emmett Brown builds a time machine based on a DeLorean DMC-12 car, to gain insights into history and the future. Instead, he ends up using it to travel over 130 years of Hill Valley history (from 1885 to 2015) with Marty McFly to change the past for the better and to undo the negative effects of time travel.

This vechicle can use two setups as for fly mode or drive mode (these can be found in actor/Delorean morphs), there is the sliders for a fast setup for these settings but you can also use the old standard sliders in the bone setup. The Delorean doesnt uses any textures and is build only in iray with it's iray colors and lightnings. Be aware do not go 88 miles per hour!!

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