Dawn 2


Dawn 2

Over these many years since our release of Dawn Special Edition, we’ve made some dramatic improvements to our Dawn figure, worthy of a second edition.

This new base geometry mesh has been methodically re-sculpted for an optimal layout. This is a purely quad mesh now; no triangles to be found. Based on feedback from concerned artists and customers, new default shapes for her body and face have been created, for a more neutral yet still appealing look. Great care has been taken to balance mesh optimization and still retain the ability to achieve extreme morph shapes for the body and face. Dawn 2 has the mesh to support such morphs as needed for an emaciated skin and bones Zombie, or Body builder, or even rather curvy or obese shapes. Muscle groups on her torso can be morphed, as well as vertebral spinous processes, and even rib shape morphs can be achieved without the need for high resolution post work.

163669, HiveWire3D, CG_Cubed


File Hosting: mega.nz

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