CW Herodion for Genesis 8 Male
Herodion has lived in this world for a very long time. From the beginning of the time of Eden.
His strength is slowly failing and he suspects that he will die soon. His bloodline is almost dead.
The only blood relative is Elena's daughter,
Olivia, who lives in the human world.
Herodion secretly hires Lisdra, the wood elf,
Celeduin serves the king and who, with the help of the white witches, is to retrieve Olivia.
When Olivia, after a long journey, finally found her way to the Elf King,
everyone was amazed that Olivia looked like her late mother.
With Herodion, a stately elf king moves into your content. He looks elevated and knowing.
The traces of age can be read in his facial features. With seven skins, blush,
stubble and twenty-eight different eye colors, you can transform the mighty elf king over and over again.
Go with Herodion into the scheming elven royal family and rule with him over his people.
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