[Custom] iClone Animations from Unity/Unreal Assets
2 GB (15GB uncompressed) archives of over 38,000 Triple-A Game animations from Protofactor, Wemakethegames, Frank Choi, Explosive LLC, RamsterZ, Weapon Master animset and so many more. All of the names have been corrected so no more double names, “_Unreal Take” or “Take 001” text in the motions. Each set is archived separately, so you can grab the ones you want.
For some background, I'm a former Game developer, specialized in rigging and animation. As I now work independently, it's much more efficient for me to purchase animations to use, rather than do them all on my own. iClone has the best Humanoid re-targeting system, hands down. It's far superior and more efficient than using Motion Builder. However, iClone has an extreme lack of animations to use and the ones that are out in the wild, are terrible rips from Carnegie Melon or True Bones.
Several of these animations required massive repairs, as they're great animation files, but not to current standards. The single take animations were separated into individual files, using Maya's Dope Sheet and Time Editor. Animations without a T-Pose were re-targeted to a new one, using HumanIK. All the animations had their LRA (Local Rotation Axis) for each bone corrected and cleaned. Animation timing issues were corrected and all animations run at iClone's internal 60FPS now.
Daz users, please be patient. It's coming. I'm waiting for Studio's 5.0 release, to see if my pipeline can be sped up. Daz Studio has terrible animation tools and their import support for bvh and fbx is lackluster, at best. As it stands, I'll have to manually re-target each animation, by hand in Motion Builder, for each of the Daz Generations and then manually re-target each Animation on a Legacy or Genesis in Daz Studio. Eventually, all these animations will be AniMate dufs, for each Daz Generation, including Legacy 3 and 4.
As a side note, there are 5 additional animations sets included in this bundle: Animations Warrior, Casual Dance Animations, Adventure Animset, Knocked Down and Bandai/Namco's Research Motiondata set. Also, if you like any of these animations, please support the developers and purchase it."