Crystal Matrix: Modular Architecture

Crystal Matrix: Modular Architecture

Crystal Matrix: Modular Architecture

Crystal Matrix is a variety of architectural structures built with instances of a six-sided crystal prop. Instancing makes materials easy to adjust, architecture easy to edit or build, and is easy on computer resources. You can use any of the 21 scene subsets by themselves or combine them. Put windows and arches where you want them, raise areas for figures to stand on, lower, hide, or delete walls, or build your own architecture and landscapes from instancing a singular crystal. With the 12 material options, spanning multiple genres, you'll also have the freedom to add to and increase the size or functionality of other architecture and scenes.

Almost every scene subset has instances that are divided into four groups so you can edit or delete sections at a time for a different configuration, a better camera angle, or you can move individual crystals. The crystal has 5 material zones and four morphs. These morphs convert the top and/or bottom into an angle or a point.

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