Chthonic Realm Environment Kit

Chthonic Realm Environment Kit

Chthonic Realm Environment Kit

The Chthonic Realm Environment Kit portrays Chthon, a vast subterranean world filled with strange creatures and ancient magic.

It includes 3 walls and 3 ground planes, scaled to 30m x 30m. You can tilt or resize them as needed and combine them in various ways.

There is also a rigged tunnel that you can bend and curve or scale in part, as well as several style shapes to add basic texture. for more *Amazing* Products 🙂

Rounding out the land pieces is the tall pillar, which also has several shapes, and the versatile blob, which you can transform into a variety of shapes.

All of these items are designed to be easily retextured with included materials or from other products. Decal layers are designed to tile maps but use masks to build up a combination of textures.

It also includes a highly shapeable mushroom, a shelf fungus, and a cute rigged trilogtite to round out a Chthonic scene.

Basic gloom environmental settings provide reasonable but murky illumination, or you can try out one of the volumetric Chthon environments.

Use the Chthonic Realm Environment Kit to create other environments like alien worlds, rocky outdoor areas, and more! for more *Amazing* products!

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