CC4 STYLIZED BASE COMBO REMASTERED (without watermark for legitime version)

CC4 STYLIZED BASE COMBO REMASTERED (without watermark for legitime version)

ToKoMotion presents CC4 Stylized Base Remastered Morphs:

Finally the legendary CC1 Stylized Base Morphs have been remastered for Character Creator 4 - add these Stylized Morphs to your CC4 library and start creating unique characters today.

All morphs have been carefully adapted with close attention to detail. You will find 10 individual Head Morphs & 10 individual Body Morphs in this combo pack. Furthermore you will get 10 Character Projects that include customized CC4 SkinGen 2k Textures for each character. The skin textures can be further customized with SkinGen to get the desired look. Use additional CC morphs to further adjust the overall shape to create the look you want - the possibilities are endless.

All characters are body and facial animation-ready and are compatible with all CC4 features incl. Dynamic Wrinkles.

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to write an email to developer(at) or visit the product related Forum Thread and leave a message there: RL Forum: CC4 Stylized Base Morphs Remastered.

Have fun and Happy creating!

reallusion, iclone, character creator, IC8, CC4, Toon

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