BWC Ghostly Poses for Victoria 6

BWC Ghostly Poses for Victoria 6

BWC Ghostly Poses for Victoria 6

A set of "ghostly" poses, covering several aspects of being a ghost: the usual ghost business like just hanging around up to being a creepy, mean, ghost.

You'll get 18 full body poses, 12 partial upper and 12 partial lower body poses, the partial poses are made out of the full body poses - combine them as you want and get lots of variations. This collection includes a mirrored version of each pose, as well as adjusted poses for the "FWSA Muneca" character.

Expressions, props, clothes and hair are not included. Some body morphs and clothes may cause need for adjustment at the poses. With adjustments, these poses can also be used with other Genesis 2 Female(s) characters.

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