Blender 4.2 nView v3.6.2
Do you…
Constantly hide and reveal objects or collections to improve viewport and render performance?
Work in a field that involves large scenes and lots of dense objects, especially architecture visualization, industrial design, environments, visual effects?
have animations where a large scene is only partially visible at any one time?
What does nView do?
The nView add-on automatically calculates the visibility of an object or geometry from your camera, enabling you to manage and optimize your scene.
Select only the visible objects!
Automatically hide collections or objects that reduce your performance, without affecting what’s seen by the camera!
Hide objects dynamically by using nView’s auto keyframing, accelerating viewport playback and render times!
nView Operators
Here’s a quick rundown of the operators:
Select Object nView – if the object is visible, select it!
Set Object nView – if the object is visible, set its visibility attributes (selectable, visible, viewport or render)
Set Collection nView – if any of the viable objects in a collection is visible, set its collection’s visibility attributes (view layer, visible, viewport, render, holdout, or indirect).
Set Mask nView – if the object is partially visible, generate a vertex group and mask modifier to only show visible faces.
Select Mesh nView (mesh edit mode) – if the vertex/edge/face is in visible, select it!
Hide Mesh nView (mesh edit mode) – if the vertex/edge/face is visible, show it! The rest are hidden (this does not affect render visibility, just for the viewport in mesh edit mode)
Reset nView – utility operator to reset the visibility of collections or objects (in case you want to clear all that you’ve done)
Distinguished Features
Supports any render engine – it works directly and only with object and collection visibility attributes.
Filter based on current selection, visibility, and instanced collections
Supports all object types – not just meshes – including collection instances!
Include objects indirectly visible to the camera in reflections!
For more on these and individual settings, watch the following:
January 2023 (2.3.5) – added operators to reset visibility for objects and collections – undo does work for nView, but in the rare case you’ve gone too far, these are available. The extend and invert selection properties are now exposed on the panels to tweak before running. For the auto animated keyframe option, frames where the active camera changes are always considered, even if the frame step size skips it. That way, you can keep the frame step high without worrying about missing those active camera changes.
February 2023 (2.3.7) – code refactoring, improving import usage to speed up add-on registration.
February 2024 (3.5.4) – some major bug fixes/known issues in margin behavior for the generate camera mesh operator, overwriting mesh vertex groups in the mask operator, and using geometry selection in the mask operator when it should not. Minor optimizations with material ray casting.
Valentine’s Day 2024 (3.5.0) – the frame range now defaults to current scene’s frame start and end for convenience, with the option to set a custom start and end frame. Frame step is still custom to balance precision with performance. Also a minor performance improvement for analyzing many objects.
January 2024 (3.4.7) update tooltips for a couple operators, fixed regression of wrong error message for a missing camera, and new preferences settings, including: customizable panel tab/category name and the toggle to show operation parameters prior to running operations.
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