Arena Expansion Pack 1 For Daz Studio 4.8+
Arena Expansion Pack 1 for DazStudio 4.8+
Vendor/Creator: Davo or Davorama
Daz Studio Optimization: Freeone
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The Arena Expansion Pack 1 will flesh out your Arena Core Pack with these cruel and unusual implements of torture including two impalement devices, a restraint bondage box and stake set with posable chains. Poses for the Genesis 3 figures plus additional support for V4/M4 are included.
System Requirements:
- PC compatible
- Not tested in Mac
- Requires DazStudio 4.8+
- Poser 8+ Only version is available with V4/M4 support (sold separately)
- All files in .duf, .dsf, .png and .jpg format.
**Figure Library Features**
Bondage Box Library:
- Bondage Box: This is a holding cage/box with width/depth/height morphs on the sides and neck holder. There are arm and leg chains with chain mounting bases that can be moved around. The crotch saddle has a choice for spikes or bladed feature. All parts of the box can be repositioned to fit your character. This figure is symmetrical mirroring for faster posing from side to side. Pose files for the Genesis 3 female and V4 are provided in the pose library.
Impaler Libraries:
-Impaler 1: This is a new twist on impalement. This is a height and angle adjustable figure with a morph adjustable wood pole/spike, 2 chains for feet or hands, a chain for the neck and adjustable height mounting pole. Pose files for the Genesis 3 female and V4 are provided in the pose library. A smart prop Mallet and Mallet poses for the Genesis 3 figures, V4 and M4 are provided to drive that pole on through. Smart prop Basic iron cuffs are required for some poses.
- Impaler 2: This is a raised platform and impalement spike to drop your characters onto. The platform is adjustable height as are the steps up to the platform. There is a spreader bar to spread your characters legs and a yoke to hold your characters arms in position if you choose. Pose files for the Genesis 3 female and V4 are provided in the pose library. Spreader bar and yoke are symmetrical mirroring.
Smart prop Basic iron cuffs are required for some poses.
Stake Set Library:
- Stake Set 1: This is a set of 5 poles with height morphs. Two poles for arms, two poles for legs and a neck pole. There are chains and re-positionable chain bases for all the chains. There is a non-rendering node in the middle of the figure you can use to move all the elements around with at the same time. The poles and chains are symmetrical mirroring. Poles have a height and diameter morph. The pole bases have a taper morph for changing the tip diameter if you use the diameter morph on the poles. Pose files for the Genesis 3 female and V4 are provided in the pose library. Smart prop Basic iron cuffs are required for some poses.
**Props Libraries:**
Mallet Library:
This folder contains a stand alone prop mallet. The smart prop versions are for V4, M4 and the Genesis 3 male and female figures and will position to your characters right hand.
There are hand poses to grasp the Mallet in the hand library, this is a starter only. You may have to adjust the fingers of your character to your specific needs.
Basic Iron Cuffs Library:
V4, M4 and the Genesis 3 male and female figures.
These libraries contain smart prop cuffs to use in conjunction with the Arena and other various Davo products. These smart props will automatically position and parent to your characters.
To apply the cuffs, click on your character in your preview window, then click to add each cuff or all, they will position automatically.
Pose Libraries:
The pose libraries contain poses for the different Arena devices. There are V4 and Genesis 3 Female and matching poses for the equipment they are related to. You must first apply the poses to your character and then load/pose the related device. The prop will both load and pose parented to the character. If you wish to use a different pose delete the cuff and associated device first and repose. The stand alone devices are for free posing and are not required for the structured poses.
Mallet Poses are starter poses only. You may have to adjust finger position and other body positions to suit your needs. Different characters are morphed differently and repositioning/adjustment may be necessary.
Detailed readme file is included in the product zip file.
Required Product:Arena Core Pack For Daz Studio 4.8+