Arachnid Class Transport

Arachnid Class Transport

Arachnid Class Transport
Given the popularity of the Arachnid class of warships, the UEF and various other shipwrights have developed another in the long prestigious line of Arachnid class vessels. We proudly present to you the Arachnid transport. Featuring a more flexible modularity than some of the other clunkier warhorses, the Transport is more than capable of fulfilling everyone's needs! From barely armed racing yachts/transports to the more heavily armed mercenary gunships, the newest in the Arachnid Line will meet your every need.

Featuring larger engines, increased cargo capacity and more, this model is more than just a simple upgrade from the old, this an entirely new ship. With an increased modularity, this vessel has more flexibility in the range of missions it can undertake. Expect to see this ship flying the battlefields and cargo lanes near you soon!

Additional set pieces of the Cargo bay and the bridge are also included with additional options for ease of camera placement. The walls and ceilings are togglable to allow for clear lines of sight. Note: These are not meant for external camera shots.

Also included at no extra charge are the various munitions this product is capable of using. For your pleasure, we have main cannon shells, both whole and with projectile and casing separated, two types of missiles for your explosive needs and for those extra hard targets, a rail gun bolt with anti-matter charge. Also included for those visual effects, spotlight beams, and smart-propped turret projectiles.

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