animate monster pack D/S

animate monster pack D/S

animate monster pack D/S
BOO! Classic monsters have always been fun to create rendered images of and now you can make aniMate them! Not just for Halloween, these 30 creepy aniBlocks--walks, gestures and actions--will add some spooky fun to your aniBlock collection.•dracula rise
•dracula uncross arms
•electric chair
•frankenstein start
•frankenstein loop
•hunchback start
•hunchback loop
•mummy start
•mummy loop
•mummy sit up 1
•mummy sit up 2
•nosferatu walk 1
•nosferatu walk 2
•psycho stab
•spell 1
•spell 2
•spell 3
•startle front
•startle left
•startle low
•startle right
•startle up
•vampire skulk start
•vampire skulk loop
•vampire skulk end
•werewolf howl
•zombie shot
•zombie walk

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