Aescript Jump Keyframe v1.3c

Aescript Jump Keyframe v1.3c

Aescript Jump Keyframe v1.3c

Jump Keyframe is a nifty little script that allows the user to make quick changes on any animated property without having to worry about first moving the CTI to the latest keyframe that already exists in the animation sequence. This is especially helpful when there is a need to edit multiple layers and/or properties simultaneously but that have separate timings.

Literally, it's just one click. Just change the value at any given time after the last keyframe was created and Jump Keyframe will automatically replace the original last keyframe with the newly created one while keeping the correct time and maintaining any ease and label color previously applied. If you use KBar, you can run Jump Keyframe from it and even create a shortcut, keeping your UI less cluttered.

By spending less time navigating a convoluted timeline and instead focusing on precise adjustments on the comp panel, your productivity will increase tenfold.

I bet you will use it on every single project from now on.

File Hosting: Google Drive

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