Adobe Character Animator 2024 v24.2.0.80
Adobe Character Animator is a powerful program from Adobe to produce character animations from 2D images created with Photoshop and Illustrator software. With a webcam and microphone you can apply any movement and sound to the character you want. An interesting feature of this app is checking and recognizing facial expressions. This means the program differentiates when you laugh or when you frown. As soon as you laugh, the character laughs, or when you are surprised, the character gets a surprise. And most interestingly, all facial movements and inputs and input sounds are processed and processed in real time. The required characters can be drawn in Photoshop or Illustrator yourself, and then embedded in the software, or use ready-made templates in the animated character.
You can also add new gestures such as turning your head or other gestures. When talking, the program is able to synchronize the movements of your lips well with the movements of your lips. You can also create interesting animations for situations such as falling, colliding, jumping, etc. based on physical laws. This program is very well coordinated with other Adobe products and if you have already worked with Photoshop and Illustrator software you will feel comfortable here as well. The same toolbar structure, menus, history of work, and the famous toolbar also exist in another form. The program does as much of the main character movements as possible, but it can also be used to adjust the character movements manually and more precisely.
System Requirements
Latest qualified graphics driver for your GPU, with at least OpenGL 3.2 support
Webcam (for face tracking)
Microphone (for audio recording and lip sync) and headphones (to prevent audio recording from being re-recorded in subsequent takes)
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