Flinks Blossom Tree 4

Flinks Blossom Tree 4

Flinks Blossom Tree 4
"Flinks Blossom Tree 4" contains 4 different blossom tree objects, 3 single petal objects and 4 different petals objects in the Poser, Vue and Obj format.

For Poser:
- 4 blossom tree props
- 3 single petal props
- 4 petals props

For Vue:
- 4 blossom tree objects
- 3 single petal objects
- 4 petals objects

For OBJ:
- 4 blossom tree OBJ with textures
- 3 single petal OBJ with textures
- 4 petals OBJ with textures

and 2 material presets for DAZ Studio 4.9


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