Starlight Grace

Starlight Grace

Starlight Grace

05 Geometry Files (Panty & Top)

01 Super-Conforming Clothing Figures (Dress) (*.cr2)

62 Materials for Jewelry (*.mt5)

05 MatPoses for each Dress and Wings (*.pz2)

04 Smart-Props (Choker, L&R Earrings, Wings) (*.pp2)

100 Texture files
39 Texture Files (2048px * 2048px)
33 Bumpmaps (2048px * 2048px)
26 Transmaps (2048px * 2048px)
02 Displacement Map (2048px * 2048px)


At P&L we strive to bring you fun products that fit your girls. We make our products with lots of morphs and adjustments because, that's how you get things to look their best. Your beautiful pictures make us look good! We love to see your pictures in the gallery.
We listen to your needs and wants. Based upon what we hear, we change how we make our products to better meet those needs. We love your thoughts and comments, feel free to send us a sitemail anytime. (Lyoness is the chattier of the two). And as always if you need any help at all, just send us a sitemail and we'll be more than happy to help!


Although not specifically stated to be Daz compatible, all products should work well within Daz Studio, perhaps requiring a minor amount of tweaking for the textures & shaders. We use a minimum of poser proceurals to specifically better suit Daz users.
However on this particular product, the materials for the jewelry are specifically poser only.

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