Aly Lua V4
For V4
Dark and Deadly, she brings the whispered promise of Magick Unseen but carried by the wind. She calls to the ancient mystic elements, the ones buried so deep that most have forgotten they are there. But for this drow, ageless and timesless, she knows .... she knows the words to call them forward, to seek their council, and when needed, to have them do her bidding.
She fights with deadly force and accuracy, the forest and dark palces are her home. She knows the trees and the rocks by name, she carries their strength with her in the air. She has fought for the survival of the magick and unseen places since the beginning of time, and thus has earned the ageless presence and life. She fights with sword and dagger, bow and arrow, and with the eternal power of the mystic blood that courses in her veins.
She is ... and always will be ... Aly Lua ... protector drow .