Piercings - G3F

Piercings - G3F

Piercings - G3F
This is a new way to look at piercings on the Genesis 3 Female figure. This isn't about a pierced ear ring, this is about having a pierced tongue, nipples and the bellybutton and having all those piercings' jewelry follow when you pose the figure.

It is not a magical. It's just a different way to place props on a figure. The barbells that come with Piercings are props and will not deform like clothing. Because they are props that are attached, IT IS NOT perfect solution but it comes real close.

Start your figure in the neutral pose. Place the Piercings you want to use. Have the Piercing selected in the Scene Tab and place the appropriate barbell into the scene. Once you know how it works, you can put other props that are appropriate where the barbell parents. BUT after posing, you may have to do some moving of the jewelry but only a few clicks on the plus or minus sign.


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